- Dentists
- Dental Nurses
- Dental Hygienists
- Dental Therapists
- Orthodontic Therapists
- Dental Technicians
- Clinical Dental Technicians
The principles are all equally important and are not listed in order of priority.
They are supplemented by additional guidance documents and which you must also follow.
You have an individual responsibility to behave professionally and follow these
principles at all times.
The standards set out what you must do. If you do not meet these standards, you
may be removed from our register and not be able to work as a dental professional.
The guidance is there to help you to meet the standards. You are expected to follow
the guidance, to use your professional judgment, demonstrate insight at all times
and be able to justify any decision that is not in line with the guidance. Serious
or persistent failure to follow the guidance could see you removed from our register
and not able to work as a dental professional.