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Principle One

Put patient's interests first


Principle Two

Communicate effectively with patients


Principle Three

Obtain valid consent


Principle Four

Maintain and protect patients' information


Principle Five

Have a clear and effective complaints procedure


Principle Six

Work with colleagues in a way that is in patients' best interests


Principle Seven

Maintain, develop and work within your professional knowledge and skills


Principle Eight

Raise concerns if patients are at risk


Principle Nine

Make sure your personal behaviour maintains patients' confidence in you and the dental profession


Principle Three

Obtain valid consent


Frequently asked questions

​​​No, it is the patient’s right to withdraw consent, refuse treatment or ask for treatment to be stopped after it has started. You must acknowledge their right to so this and follow their wishes.

However, you should also explain the consequences or risks or not continuing the treatment and ensure that the patient know that they are responsible for any future problems which arise as a result of not completing the treatment. All discussions you have with the patient should be recorded in their notes.

​​No. Although a patient signature on a form is important in verifying that a patient has given consent, to ensure that you are obtaining valid consent you must explain all the relevant options and the associated costs to your patient. It is a good idea to document your discussion with the patient in their notes.

​Things that patients might want to know include:

  • options for treatment, the risks and the potential benefits;
  • why you think a particular treatment is necessary and appropriate for them;
  • the consequences, risks and benefits of the treatment you propose;
  • the likely prognosis;
  • your recommended option;
  • the cost of the proposed treatment;
  • what might happen if the proposed treatment is not carried out; and
  • whether the treatment is guaranteed, how long it is guaranteed for and any exclusions that apply.

Case Studies for principle 3