You should raise a concern with us if you think that the public and patients need
to be protected from a colleague who is a dental professional. If your colleague
is registered with another healthcare regulator, you should raise your concern with
that organisation.
Guidance point 8.2.5 sets out when it be appropriate to raise a concern with the
regulator, such as when:
- a) taking action at a local level is not practical; or
- b) action at a local level has failed; or
c) the problem is so severe that the GDC (or other regulator) needs to be involved
(for example, issues of indecency, violence, dishonesty, serious crime or illegal
practice); or
- d) you are genuinely concerned about victimisation or deliberate concealment; or
e) you believe the person may not be fit to practise because of his or her health,
performance or conduct